Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Technology PLC Sharing Walls

Help us learn from one another.  Please share your resources and ideas on the Padlets below.  Check back frequently to see what others have added as well!  We are an amazing group of teachers and have so much to learn from one another.

Click the links below to go to the Padlet 

Thanks for collaborating and sharing with us!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Augmented Reality

What is it?
Augmented Reality is a digitally enhanced version of the real world.
Some elements of real content are augmented to include 
digital content or layers of information & media (pictures, links, videos).

Terms to know:

The action, what happens when your trigger object is scanned.
Trigger image

What you will scan to make the action happen.

In Aurasma, the combination of your trigger image and overlay.

To share your auras with others, you must save them to a channel.

 To use others’ trigger images you must follow them in Aurasma.

Create your own Augmented Reality 
with Aurasma!

1. Download the Aurasma App.
2. When you open the app, you will automatically be on
the screen to scan an aura (an Aurasma trigger image).
Just touch the “A” symbol to go to the main screen.
3. From the main menu you can access & explore Aurasma content, create content, go back to 
scan mode, search for Aurasma content or users (Channels), and set up your account information.

4. Touch the CREATE (+) to create your aura (Augmented Reality creation.
5. First you need to choose an OVERLAY. This is what happens once your trigger image
 is scanned. You can choose from Aurasma’s library or from your own device. 
(Have your overlay video or image created before this step.)

6. Choose from your DEVICE and press the + button to choose from your saved media.
Choose Select.
7. Now you need to choose a TRIGGER IMAGE. This is the image that when 
scanned will trigger the OVERLAY to play. You want to choose something that 
will not change. (Ex: fish swimming in a fish tank will not work as the image 
is always different). Watch the capture button at the bottom and take your picture 
when the slider is on green.

8. Finalize your aura by naming it, deciding if you will make it public or private, 
and adding it to a CHANNEL if you wish. By adding your aura to a CHANNEL, 
other users can subscribe to your channel and view the auras that you have created 
on their devices. Otherwise the aura you have created only works on your device.

A few Augmented Reality Apps you might enjoy:  

Zientia - Chemistry 101 
coLAR 3D Coloring Book
SolAR System


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

QR Codes with Audio

This is a new blog the Tech Team at Belle Terre Elementary School is putting together to share ideas, information and inspiration.

I know about QR codes and have used them a little in the past.  Mainly for parents to access various things.  I haven't really utilized them with my kids.  I have all kinds of ideas of ways to use them this year.  I don't just want the kids to scan them, I want them to create them and use them to enhance their learning.  This is tougher when you are working with firsties.  I really enjoy teaching these guys and integrating technology.  Things you would never thing they could do and pick up so quickly. 

Everyone knows you can link a website or video with a QR code.  Did you know you can also link audio?  Think of the possibilities!  First, I thought of many ways I could create audio QR codes to help students.  I could record myself reading the directions or questions for centers.  This would help them to work independently.

I got even more excited when I found this great website !  It was so easy to record audio and generate a QR code; even  5 year old could do it!  I put these directions together and thought I would share, click here to get them.

So this is what I am planning!  Imagine walking through the school halls and looking at student work.  Then you see a QR code by it, you scan it and hear the student explaining or expanding their work.  Think how much this would add to projects!  Students could do a research project, record themselves sharing what the learned.  Then students could scan and listen, learning from their classmates.  This is the ultimate way to easily incorporate the Common Core's speaking and listening standards.

I hope you are as excited about all of the possibilities as I am.  How will you use QR codes this year?  Please share in the comments!